Consulting · Coaching· Educating Training the Trainer
Consulting Services:
"Taking Stock" Assessment
Working as a team with our clients, we:
• identify obstacles to performance and productivity, • develop, evaluate, and prioritize needs, goals, and objectives, • identify practical, affordable, and cost-effective solutions, • help our clients obtain the identified solutions.
We respect, reinforce, and enhance our clients' existing processes while identifying and recommending new strategies.
Our objective is to help integrate comprehensive, innovative, and customized strategies for greater effectiveness, growth, and profitability.
Personnel Assessments and Performance Appraisals
We can provide a variety of consulting services which can help companies increase their growth and profitability. Some of the instruments to do this include the following:
We can provide various types of assessments which assist in evaluating employees, contractors, and others affiliated with an organization. This can help
(1) identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, (2) enable more effective use of talent, (3) improve employee performance management, (4) make the review process easier and more productive, and (5) enhance employee development and morale.
Opinions and Perceptions of Organization
We can provide valuable feedback to an organization in an anonymous summary of opinions, perceptions, and evaluations obtained in confidential assessments by employees, stake-holders, channel partners, etc.
The benefit is to help organizations improve strategies and programs to better serve their employees, partners, and clients.
Coaching Services:
Personnel at all levels of an organization can benefit from professional guidance and coaching.
Our team of coaches, who have extensive business experience in positions throughout an organization, can provide valuable advice to save time and prevent mistakes resulting from having to "learn by experience."
Experience can be a good teacher; however, someone who already has the experience can be a better teacher.
Our team has expertise in many different areas and teaches a wide range of programs and services which are listed in Programs and Workshops section.
Training the Trainer:
Trainers, like all other professionals, should continue to increase their knowledge and skills. But, who trains the trainers? American Learning trains the trainers.
We also partner with trainers to help them (1) be more effective and (2) have a more noticeable impact on their company.
American Learning's customized Train-the-Trainer
programs help corporate trainers to continue improving the design,
delivery, results, and management of their programs. We also help increase the participation in training and the positive feedback from participants.
Among other things, we help trainers to more effectively (1) explain their course's rationale, (2) include practical and realistic exercises, (3) make their programs relevant for diverse audiences, and (4) improve the knowledge and skills to enable participants to be more productive and more valuable to their employer.
We help our clients stand out from the competition
Today's business world is highly competitive.
American Learning can help you stand out from all the others -- no matter how sharp they are.